Open source projects I contributed to

  • ClimaAtmos.jl is the atmosphere component of the CliMA Earth System Model. It is written in Julia under CliMA and is currently under development.
  • CloudMicrophysics.jl is a library of cloud microphysics schemes. It is written in Julia under CliMA. The library includes a 0-moment and 1-moment cloud microphysics schemes as well as an aerosol activation scheme. We are in the process of adding an aerosol model and a 2-moment microphysics scheme.
  • TurbulenceConvection.jl is a Single Column model of the atmosphere written in Julia under CliMA. It provides a framework for testing parameterizations of clouds and turbulence for Earth System Models. It is based on the eddy-diffusivity mass-flux (EDMF) modeling frameworks. See Tan et al. 2018, Cohen et al. 2020 and Lopez-Gomez et al. 2020 for details of the EDMF model.
  • Kinematic1D.jl is a single column rainshaft model that we use to test cloud microphysics schemes. It is written in Julia under CliMA and is based on Shipway and Hill 2012.
  • PySDM is a Python particle-based (super-droplet) warm-rain/aqueous-chemistry high resolution cloud aerosol/cloud/rain microphysics package. It features high-performance implementation of the Super-Droplet Method Monte-Carlo algorithm for representing collisional growth Shima et al. 2009. See Bartman et al. 2021 for an overview.
  • libmpdata++ is a header only C++ library of parallel MPDATA based solvers for systems of generalised transport equations. For an overview of the MPDATA algorithm see Smolarkiewicz 2005. For an overview of the library see Jaruga et al 2015.
  • libcloudph++ is a C++ library of aerosol/cloud/rain microphysics schemes that includes an implementation of the Super-Droplet method for representing collisions between particles and its extension to aqueous phase chemical reactions inside water drops. See Arabas et al. 2015 and Jaruga et al. 2018 for details.